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Month: October 2019

Unity C# Job system and Burst Compiler/DOTS introduction

Unity C# Job system and Burst Compiler/DOTS introduction

The Jobs System in Unity allows for the execution of code across multiple cores at once, significantly speeding up heavy tasks such as pathfinding and similarly repetitive logic. Additionally, when something is set to run as a job, Unity supports use of the Burst Compiler, which will compile that bit of code into high-performance assembly code. Source material: Reading instructions: This document is a follow-up to the previous article on ECS, as part of an introduction to working with…

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Unity ECS / DOTS introduction

Unity ECS / DOTS introduction

This article is an attempt to introduce Unity’s new Entity Component System (ECS) to those who are unaware of its existence. ECS is one part of DOTS – the Data Oriented Technology Stack, which also contains the C# Job System and the Burst Compiler. ECS can be described in two ways; ridiculous performance increase and/or compact size. It is a new way to code, utilizing all of the cores available. The other two components of DOTS allow for similar performance…

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